A Interstellar Voyage, what might be involved?

I found this and many other space and science videos on one of my favorite YouTube channels, SpaceRip.

This video uses Pandora, the idyllic blue world featured in the movie Avatar, as an example to illustrate a scenario where in a possible future we would need to migrate from our planet for various reasons.  Pandora’s location is based on a real place: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to our Sun and the most likely destination for our first journey beyond the solar system.

Everything from anti matter as the future fuel of choice to faster than light speed is discussed in this video. Each time I watch it I gain new knowledge and insight, in short it makes you think. I will be posting many more videos of this genre from various “geek” sights I frequent while “jacked into the matrix”, flowing like an excited electron through it’s fabulous wealth of knowledge.


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