The 2012 Presidentual Election, either way another 4 years of the same.

I don’t know about the rest of you but, to me no matter which of the two candidates we have to chose from gets elected in November, half of the country is going to hate it. I don’t like either party anymore and have found myself in a real pickle. I don’t even want to vote though I should and know it. I just can’t see where either party has the best interest of the people in mind, rather it seems it is much more about who has control of the money. To me it’s more of a competition than a election and we the people are the looser in the long run. Perhaps by the time the 2016 election rolls around we the people will have come to our senses and have had enough, one can only hope.

3 thoughts on “The 2012 Presidentual Election, either way another 4 years of the same.

  1. I see your point of view. However, if we don’t vote, we can’t complain. I believe ever citizen has the responsiblity to vote. That being said, it is tough. The problem is one can’t just select people they know about or would perhaps like to see in office. It really comes down to siding with a party than can win. Kind of tragic. Unfortunately, if we con’t have continutity of party nothing gets done. Very tragic.

    What I do know is this —. When I read the detail legislation, and get into ” what is alread in the mill “, it is pretty scary. Unfortunately, unless folks are familar with reading the fine print in government legilslation, they get caught with new rules and regulations that were totally hidden. My choice becomes clear – I must protect my assets the best I can, and hope and pray that a party gets in that will stop the country from becoming a give away sociiety. I love to give and fully believe in blessing the less fortunate but I cannot condone the idea of redistribution of wealth. In my view, that is not what our constiution or our country was founded on.

    And so I have a clear choice and it is for one that would not have been my first choice but in my view is the better choice. If there every was a time, we must pray for our freedoms and the future of this country. We can’t wait for 2016.

  2. Yes I know I have to vote and always do. I think what I was doing more than anything else in this post was stomping my feet in anger, perhaps even throwing a temper tantrum. I was reading the media feeds in search of something to post and the more I read the more angered I became when article after article spewed forth nothing but propaganda in the from of misrepresentation of the facts to make ones point of view. This is not journalism but pure activism in an attempted disguise.

    In your second paragraph you express an insight into the real root of the problem we face and that is that the everyday average working Joe voter does not take the time nor has the understanding to read even the simplest government document and, in reality it’s all of our fault for letting it get to this point in the first place. Every piece of legislation passed is packed with pork barrel expenditures in the form of favors for a vote on the legislation before them to the point it strangles the bill’s ability to do what it was intended in the first place. Like you I take the time to read and learn what our government is doing and why. To be totally honest not only does it seem stupid and counter productive but, scares the crap out of me. The real scarey thing is that once something is passed into law and gets absorbed into the system, good or bad they are almost impossible to remove. When the legislation is bad it often morphs into something like a malignant cancerous tumor to where removal tends to kill the patient, and neither party want to pick up the scalpel.

    I too believe in giving to those less fortunate than myself, but prefer to have a choice as to whom or what I give. Actually I believe this should be handled on a community level as each are unique with different priorities and specific needs. To me a “generic” federal – government solution is a fail by its very concept as this is not a generic problem no matter how you paint it with political dialog. Anytime you give someone a handout you steal their self respect. In the endgame a person can only help them self, so if instead you challenge them to walk out of their perceived “valley of the shadow of death” on their own with assistance conditioned to their completing the trip, you put human nature to work. What happens is that instead of someone feeling they owe something for their help they instead feel they are earning it, therefor gaining self respect. By just giving someone assistance with no path out from the situation they find themselves in that required assistance in the first place is doing nothing but trapping them by dependance. Now I am not speaking in generic terms here because we all know there are exceptions to every rule in that there are some who from no fault of their own are rendered totally helpless and will always need our support and, I have no problem with doing this. You also have the elderly and retired who have already paid their debt to society. I am fixing to join their ranks soon and do hope that near 50 years of paying into the system pays off for me.

    The challenge is to separate the two. I know from personal experience as I have a young daughter of 9 years who was severely brain damaged at birth from meningitis and totally dependent. I am most grateful to live in a society that allows her not only to live, but get the medical care she needs to do so. Mental illness is another serious problem that has always been swept under the rug and is much more widespread than most know. To me it is a ticking time bomb and it’s time it was addressed like all other illnesses, why it hasn’t been is a total mystery to me.

    I see first hand the effects of the give away society because I live in a neighborhood where the food stamp card is a form of currency and, on the first of the month when the government checks hit the streets all the crack dealers, pimps, whores, and other scavengers of human misery come crawling out of their dark holes. It’s a real catch 22 situation and I have no confidence in either candidate nor party to come up with a solution to these and other serious problems we face in the next four years. Not because of it’s challenge which would be noble, but rather it would be political suicide to do so which is cowardly. Each candidate speaks of leading which sounds so noble but, neither show signs of the courage it would take to actually lead, that being the willingness to step outside their parties core standards. That puts everything in a us or them situation which is not good for Americans as a whole. I think Senator Rand Paul said it best in an interview a week or so ago and, I do wish I had had the foresight to bookmark it, as it was something I have been trying to get across for some time and that is both parties are going to have to give up some of their prize cows to get anywhere near a solution. I don’t see that happening anytime soon, so like you I am hunkering down for a long winter.

    As to redistribution of wealth to pay for our national credit card way over the limit and bank account over drawn that is a joke. Hey, lets ask Europe how that’s working out for them. All that does is drive the producers away to a more friendly financial environment. Once again human nature takes control here. The political propaganda being spewed forth has many believing the wealthy evil and greedy but, it’s a double edged sword because to believe that one would be contradicting them selves. It is greedy to want something you don’t have from others because you think they owe it to you for some reason. If you want more out of life try doing it the old fashion way, earn it. Sure not everyone wins all the time but life is just that way and, it’s all about competing for the resources. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again until you reach your goal.

    Anyhow I guess I have beat this mule enough so I will close by saying thanks for the very constructive comment.

  3. James, I think we are like minded on this issue. You have spoken eloquently. The country is in a scary position. Politics and the liberal media are so corrupt. Journalism was intended to report and unforuntately, it is all spin. I too am sick of it. I fear for our country because we have a huge population of young people who seem to feel entitled. Theyeven seem mesmerized by some of the socialistic ideas that are a float. And we have a huge population who either don’t understand legislation or don’t care about the state of our country. It is easy to be persuaded by what you hear on TV or see in the news. I would challenge folks to learn to think for them selves.

    I grew up poor as dirt but we never asked for or had a handout. I was taught that hard work and faith would get you through.

    It will take a long time to turn our country around but I do believe that we who care must stand up and fight for the freedom our fore-fathers established. I’ve lived in other countries and America is the most blessed society and free society in the world.

    I too believe that help should be aforded those in desperate straits or medically unable to care for them selves. Most underserved are the mentally ill. I mentor too ladies who are very mentally ill and desperately want to work. They are not eligible for any medical or financial assistance (other than medications). And no one wants to hire them because of their mental and intellectual state. My heart bleeds for hurting people but again I am angered by those who feel so entitled. One lady was getting $159.00 a wk in unemployment but she can’t get foodstamps because her 18 yr old mentally ill son has a 30 hr a wk job at $.7.25. Our country forces people to homelessness. Who helps these people? Churches and other non profits . And the community should take responsibility. It is our moral responsiblity to help our neighbor in need.

    In my view, anyone who needs assistance and is physically capable should work for it.

    We can learn so much by looking at our heritage and how hard our parents, grandparents, etc. worked.

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